case study
Isle of Wight Tomatoes
For the past three years PLPR has been lucky enough to work with the visionary team at Isle of Wight Tomatoes. Tasked with growing the brand’s social media following on and communicating why Isle of Wight Tomatoes’ are the best in the land, the team set to work creating content, selling in stories and enjoying tomatoes in a wide and wonderful variety of shoot day recipes.
The Isle of Wight Tomato Instagram account quickly emerged as a significant channel. In addition to growing awareness with the target media, trade and shoppers the channel has also emerged as a driver of sales. In 2020 followers increased from 6k to 16.5k as online shoppers, chefs and food writers discovered, shared content and bought the products.
The boxes of tomatoes are unmistakeable and often posted with ‘the best’ in the caption. The high point of the 2020 season was when the team had tomatoes delivered to Jamie Oliver. He talked enthusiastically about the products, encouraged his followers to try them and included a swipe up link to the Isle of Wight online shop.
The 2020 season was as challenging for Isle of Wight Tomatoes as it was for businesses worldwide. 3 weeks before the start of the UK season, 95% of hospitality custom disappeared in the space of a 5 days. PLPR worked with the client as they pivoted the business to launch a direct-to-consumer box scheme. PLPR promoted the box scheme to media in print and online and on social. From 50 box sales a week in April, sales increased to over 1,100 a week at the height of lockdown.
We’re all ruined for life for all other tomatoes. This is a small price to pay for having such a fabulous campaign to work on!